Office Address

1250-777 Dunsmuir Street

PO Box 10415

Vancouver, BC V7Y 1G6

Due to COVID, we have had to be flexible with office policy. This document was written with the intent that the pandemic is non existent. Thus, refer to your manager with any questions or concerns.

On your first day, our Operations Coordinator will give you a tour around the office and tell you a bit about our culture, who we are, what we stand for and how we roll - please feel free to ask any questions!


Our office hours are 8:30-5:30, you can adjust your start/end time but we do expect you to be available between 9.30 a.m and 4 p.m.

You are expected to work 8h a day* = 40h a week

Our regular lunchtime hours are 12-1, although please feel free to adjust it to your schedule with consideration to the team needs of course :)

While you can come to the office anytime you like, the building (as well as the elevators) locks down automatically at 5:00 p.m and opens at 9:00 a.m. During those hours you will need your FOB to enter the building, get to our floor and to the front door.


Every Wednesday at 9:30 we have our stand-ups - a fun circle time when we share our news, talk about stuff we're working on and answer some weird questions :) Every week we have a new stand-up Lead who thinks of a question of the week - you might wanna start thinking about yours as normally the new team member is asked to lead the standup on the week they start (or the following one).

Star Cleaners of The Week

Every week on Monday a Slackbot is announcing 2 Star Cleaners of The week who are responsible for keeping our office clean - loading/unloading the dishwasher and turning it on at the end of the day, cleaning the coffee machine (you can find instructions here: Cleaning the coffee machine), restocking paper towels and napkins etc.